Data types, Arrays, Records, Set structure, Abstract Data Types, Sequential allocation, Linked allocation. Stacks (Sequential as well as Linked Implementation), Queues. (Sequential as well as Linked Implementation), Linked Lists, Recursive versus Iterative Algorithms, Applications, Towers of Hanoi, Linked Lists, Traversal, Insertion, Deletion, Doubly linked lists, Root Node, Terminal Node, Branch Node, Level of a Node, Degree of a node. , Binary Tree, Tree traversal, (In-order/Pre-order/Post-order traversal), Conversion of tree into binary tree/ Bin tree into a Heap,. Traversing and searching in a tree, Insertion: Deletion, Heap, Heap-sort, Graphs. Adjacency Matrix, Traversal, DFS, BFS, Path lengths, Shortest Path Searching & Sorting Algorithms, Insertion sort, Selections sort, Merge sort, Radix sort, Hashing
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